Friday, September 08, 2006

This my second installment of my Iraq piece.

Its between 1/3 and 2/3 of it so far.
I gave them names(Jack and Wayne) and two other characters were introduced(Murhpy and Philip). Seth and Johnny are Jack and Wayne, since they did the two voices of the brothers in the last show, Seth being Wayne and Johnny being Jack, and I need two other people to be Murphy and Philip.

Iraq 2

(sound of trucks moving)

(volume of truck lowered, but still playing)

Murphy: So what’s your name?

Jack: Private Jack Johnson, This is my older brother Private First Class Wayne Johnson..

Murphy: Brothers? Never seen that yet, two brothers in the same squad. What was your name again, Wayne?

Wayne: Yes, Private First class…

Murphy: You don’t have to announce yourself with your rank, your sleeve already tells me that. My name is Sergeant Bartolemule Murphy, just call me Murphy.

Philip: and I’m Second Lieutenant Philip Brown. Just call me Philness.

Wayne and Murphy (at same time): Philness?

Murphy: Why did you just give yourself a nick name?

Philip: why are you asking so many questions?

Murphy: Permission to speak openly Lieutenant.

Philip: Permission grant…

Murphy: that is the stupidest nick name I have ever, Ever heard.

Philip: You know that’s grounds for court martial.

Murphy: Under what charges

Philip: For not agreeing that philness is the awsomeest nick name ever.

Jack: Awesomeest?

Philip: yes awesomeest.

Murphy: Philness and awesomeest in the same sentence. (chuckle) How ever did you ever get your degree?

Philip: Your guess is as good as mine.

Wayne: (chuckles)

Philip: (chuckle) Anyway, How did you two get in to military?

Wayne: Well, I joined about 4 years ago. I didn’t have enough money to get into a college, or so I believed, and after basic and advanced training, I went straight here to Iraq. I spent most of my time near Baghdad, but this is the first time I’m actually leaving the Baghdad area. Every time I get back into the states, I take one or two class at the local community college.

Murphy: How many credits do you have so far?

Wayne: None, Everytime I take a class, my unit would get pulled back here to Iraq.

Philip: really? You should have taken the ROTC program, they would paid the rest of your college.

Wayne: Yeah I know, but apparently my guidance counselor decided to forget about that little program and suggested I join immediately.

Jack: I wanted to kick her ass after I learned about that program too.

Murphy: Hmm? You had the same guidance Counselor?

Jack: Yeah, we went to the same high school.

Philip: So What’s Your story.

Jack: Almost a mirror image of his. Literally the same story. Same guidance counselor too.

Murphy: You think you would have learned from what your brother did.

Jack: We had a bad guidance counselor.

Philip: How did you guys get assigned to the same squad?

Wayne: Chance, coincidence, divine intervention, who knows.

Philip: Interesting.

(sound of trunk stopping)

Murphy: Whats going on?

Philip: I don’t know, Let me go check it out.

(sound of footsteps, then a flap of a tarp moving, then jumping on to the floor)

Jack: What could it be?

Wayne: I don’t know.

(Sound of tarp moving)

Philip: Someone spotted a few possible IDE’s up in the road. Their going to check it out, Just hang here for a bit. Keeps your ears open though, 9 times out of 10 it isn’t, but there is a chance it a decoy for an ambush. The other 8 times out of 10 it a regular IDE. The worst is if the IDE is remote detonated, leading to an ambush. So cock your guns just in case.

(sound of tarp moving)

(sounds of guns cocking)

It's the why am I still up at 3am song

It’s early in the morning and I can’t get in bed
All these lyrics all these poemsfloating in my head.
Trying to write down but I CAN’T GET IT ALL OUT.
Maybe it will work better if I sing them through my mouth
La la la la la la la la la I THINK I’M going
La la la la la la la la la crazy
La la la la la la la la la la everything is
La la la la la la la la la hazy

Maybe it was the cafeteria food that I ate.
Closed my eyes and swallowed hoping it was a grape.
Dreaming would be lovely singing would nice.
It’s only the beginning of the week and I’ve already done this twice.

La la la la la la la la la I THINK I’M going
La la la la la la la la la crazy
La la la la la la la la la la everything is
La la la la la la la la la hazy

I think that maybe that I have done something wrong
Cause normally by this time I’m sleeping end of song.
I think my conscious is eating at me or maybe I’m just wired.
I know I better figure it out soon cuz I am fucking tired.
La la la la la la la la la I THINK I’M going
La la la la la la la la la crazy
La la la la la la la la la la everything is
La la la la la la la la la hazy

It use to work in high school but not here I can tell.
Because when class over I won’t hear a bell.
So now I must look in my heart and dig down real deep
Oh fuck it I don’t feel like it I’ll just start counting sheep.
La la la la la la la la la I THINK I’M going
La la la la la la la la la crazy
La la la la la la la la la la everything is
La la la la la la la la la hazy

I wish I had a single

Carolina=Jessica= J Sarah= Katie=K
J; Katie did you drink the mocha latte supreme in the fridge.
K; Yeah
J; But it was mine
K; You didn’t have your name on it.
J; Oh yeah, you didn’t have your name on the chocolate cake or the delicious sandwich.
K; You ate my cake and my ( takes a breath) First of all there are only two people that have a key to this room. Therefore, there are only two people living in hear. Meaning that only two people would put something in the( as if in sounding it out) refrigerator. Therefore if you didn’t buy it then it is not yours.
K; What about Bill?
J; The R.A.?
K; Yes.
J; What about Bill?
K; He has a key.
K; So maybe he could have come and put the illeged chocolate cake and delicious sandwich in the (as if mooching her) refrigerator.
J; So what your saying is you believe that are R.A., was just walking by and thought, gee maybe I should put some chocolate cake and a sandwich
K; Delicious.
J; Delicious sandwich in the fridge.
K; Yeah;
J; Do you actually hear the words that are coming out of your mouth or
K; It’s very logical.
J; Logical. /? (under her breath) I doubt she even know what that word means.
K; What?
J; Nothing, I mean using this logic. How did you know he didn’t leave the it for me?
K; Ha
J; Ha
K; Did I say Ha? I’m sorry Imeant ( starts to laugh) Ha ha ha ha ha hah.
J; What’s that suppose to mean?
K; Well look at you.
J; What?
K; It’s not just how you look it’s your voice.
J; What’s wrong with my voice.
K; Well your so manly.
J; Manly?
K; You walk around stomping and yelling who ate my chocolate cake I’m going to eat you rah. ( princess voice) Who ate my chocolate cake, I’m going to eat you rah. You know more like me . And by the way if your name nots on it it’s community property unless it looks delicious then it’s up for grabs.
J; Are those my pants?
K; I don’t see your name on it.
J; Katie.
K; Yes?
J; ( In a princess voice) Sleep with your eyes open? (slams door)
K; She’s so up tight. Hey, what that’s suppose to mean.

I'm not sure yet please don't read it

This is not even close to being finished but I’m posting it so it doesn’t look like I’ve been doing nothing. Please don’t read it. I don’t have a title yet.

1; Where were you I waited forever for you and you never showed. I spent three hours just sitting and waiting and sitting waiting. You just didn’t show up2;Hey I thought you were coming. I knew your car was red from the pictures you sent. So every time I saw a red car I’d run to the end of the street and wait. 3;Just one time. I needed you to keep your promise just one time. I needed you to not break one promise. 1; I spent the morning cleaning so everything would be just perfect. After all I haven’t seen you in so long.2; so long since I’ve seen you. I wondered if you still smelled the same. You always had this scent about you3; Cigarettes you always smelled like cigarettes and alcohol , Your clothes your hair. 2; Your car was so huge. I remember when I was a little boy and I remember getting inside your truck and feeling real small. Then when I sat next to you I felt even smaller. But I liked that feeling. It was like the whole world disappeared when I was in your truck. It was just you and me. 3; It was you and me for me for just a brief moment. Then it wasn’t ever you and me. We’re twins were suppose act the same be together. Except you started to lead a fast life and left me in the dust.
1; Dust everywhere, dirt all over your clothes. When I came up that weekend I had all your laundry done. I even ironed your underwear. I cared so much about you. 2; I cared so much about you.3; I cared so much about you. 1;I remember how happy me and you once were. You remember that time when it was our anniversary and it was on the same weekend of you and your dad’s father son weekend. I was so angry with you because it was are 3 year anniversary and you weren’t going to be there because you were spending that time with your dad. You cut the weekend short because you wanted to be with me. I remember you used that abandon house we use to always go to and surprised me with rose pedals leading up the stairs and candles lit every where. I still don’t know how you knew I’d go there. Or how long you waited in the for me . I remember right as I got to the top of the stairs you began to play the violen and there was a candlelit dinner and a bracelet lying on the table and engraved were the words I’ll never let you out of my heart. It was such a magical night. You never forgave me for that because that was the last time your father was well. Something changed in you when your dad died.
3; When dad died me and my Katie were only six. Our oldest sister Kitty was twelve and she understood the concept of dad leaving and never coming back a little more than we did. My mom was always crazy to me. I remember this one time when she forgot to make dinner. Well it was the first time she forgot anyways. And I remember my oldest sister Kitty was at rehearsel for a play she was in. My twin sister Katie and I were starving and we went in and asked mom for something to eat. So she went in the kitchen took out a skillet cracked all the eggs left in the carton into a really tall pot and threw the egg shells on the floor and then filled the skillet with oil. When the oil didn’t’ reach the top she filled the rest of it with water. She then put it on the stove and turned it up to the highest temperature she could. She then poured cereal down the drain and gave us a bowl of milk. Then she went into the bathroom lit a bunch of candles turned on the water for the tub and took a nap. Now, I don’t remember what caught on fire first all I remember is sitting on the other side watching fire fighters rescue the house. I remember my sister holding me under one arm Katie under the other kissing are foreheads and telling us she’d never abandon us like moms mom did. While all this was going on my mom sat in the car with her hands on the steering wheel and her keys in the car door. Yes that was my mom.1; My mom baked cookies. And she cooked and clean and waited hand and foot on my dad. Whenever he gave a command she never questioned it she just did. My mom was a walking doormat. My mom and dad seemed so happy together. They loved each other so much. I wanted that happiness. I wanted to be as happy as my mom. 2; My mom hated my dad. He equally felt the same about her. At the beginning it was good. Well it was never really good. They didn’t seem as happy as all the other parents. They never held hands or kissed in public or kissed at all for that matter. That was normal for my parents. When I was thirteen my parents had their first arguement in front of me. The word again and phrases like why do you always have to bring this up let me know that this wasn’t their first fight. My parents were really good at hiding this hate they had for one another up to this point. I heard conversations like this more and more often until it was a daily thing. Sometimes it would be over small stuff like drinking out of the carton or my mom would shout why are your socks always lying around everywhere. I guess they could no longer hide it. Or maybe I just never wanted to see it. Then again who wants to see there family falling apart.3; A part in a Broadway musical not just any part the lead role she got it, Kitty was on her way to becoming a star she yelled through the house. I wasn’t to thrilled about her announcement because I knew she wasn’t taking us with her. I was at airport hugging her goodbye and I remember crying and not wanting to let her go. She looked down on me and said remember that night when mom almost set the house on fire. How can I forget I said. Remember when I took you and Kathy in my arms and I said as long I’m living I ‘ll never abandon you like moms abandoned us. Remember, Kathy I’ll always watch over you and no matter where life takes any of us, us three will always be together. I need this Kelse it’s time, it’s time I went out and did something with my life. But you are doing something I said I could feel the tears coming, your being my sister why can’t that be enough for you. I’m 21 years old Kelse I feel like I’m 50. I been taking care of you and Katie and mom for the past eight years and I need to just take care of me for once. I need to find out who I am before it’s too late. What are me and Kathy suppose to do while your out finding yourself. You and Kathy have each other. Besides I’ll be back Kelse I swear, pretend we’re all going off to summer camp and we’ll all see each other again in a couple of weeks. Okay Kelse, I love you. This was different. I knew it was forever. Kitty wasn’t coming back, Kitty was leaving1; Leaving and going away to college no you can’t be he can’t be. We never quite the sameI was losing my boyfriend my friend he was my everything3; Everything was going to change after that. I spent a day just lying in my bed looking at pictures back when dad was alive. Looking at how beautiful and happy mom was, he really was the love of her life and something like that can completely shatter someone. I spent three more days looking at pictures of just Kitty, Katie and I. Katie took the news even worse than I did. All three of us were really close. Even though Katie and I were twins. She seemed to be closer to Kitty than to me. Those two did everything together, don’t get me wrong they never left me out or anything but those two had an even stronger bond. Katie didn’t even show upto the airport because it hurt her so bad. I still remember the look on Kitty face when she asked where Katie was and I said she isn’t coming. Kitty’s told me tell Kathy I’m not angry but disappointed and right now your sister is breaking my heart. I told Katie later on that night what Kitty said and she replied she doesn’t have a right to be angry me not showing up was fair. I guess Katie figured Kitty deserved it because she broke her heart first. After that Katie stopped taliking.

2; Talking we were just talking my dad said to my mom. Talking my mom said I surprised you could manage to do that with her tongue that far down your throat. Are we going through this again my dad said BECAUSE I’M NOT CHEATING ON YOU DORTHY. You’re a liar she said That was the first time I ever heard my dad yell at my mom. I knew it would never be the same after that.At one point were happy
Happy at one point and you did the sweetest thing
And you did the sweetest thing I remember There was this one time when we were in this restaurant and my mom thought or maybe she did see my dad checking out the waitress and she said to him put your tongue back in your mouth before I do it for you. What are you talking about he says. Are you going to deny it? Mom said. I don’t know what your talking about Dorothy said my dad said in a hard tone to my mom. Then he followed it with ah your crazy and then he looked at me and said all women aren’t crazy I just happened to get the bad apple in the bunch. I’m crazy mom said Oh I’m crazy she repeated even louder. Why don’t you tell your son who, as she began to dig deep in her bag tell him who it is John. Tell him and she dug deeper and deeper emptying out the contents of her purse. I just remember thinking, no it was more like hoping that she’s lieing that there’s nothing in there, that the fight would just end and my dad would say what’s new in school and my mom would say we’ll talk later, your right, now isn’t the time. But no she then pulled out a napkin with words written in lipstick and put it on the table. My dad said now is not the time Dorothy. Then mom said in a really slow with more hatred gathering as she said each word I want you to look your son in the eyes and tell him who your fucking because it damn sure isn’t me. The tears started to well up in my eyes as he turned and looked at me. Sam he said in a low calm voice your mothers crazy I would never do that to her. I would never do that to you. After all I do for the family and your going to treat me like this. I go out everyday and bust my ass for this family and your going to treat me like this. For the last time I’m not fucking cheated on you Dorothy. With tears dripping down her eyes my mom said You’ll lie to the very end. You know what John you forget I do the laundry. Next time, don’t leave this in your pocket and on the table sat ladies underwear. My dad started to cry I couldn’t believe that I’ve looked up to this man since I was a little boy, my hero would do something like this. I couldn’t look at him. Sam my dad said Sam listen to me my entire image of him was shattered. I knew from that moment forward things will never be the same.

Remember when dad died we were young I know, it was a long time ago. Mom just couldn’t handle it. Her sense of humor left completely. Her body was there but it just seemed empty. She started drinking heavily so she could cope with pain Dad died but he died along time ago. I remember when you came in so drunk you couldn’t stand up straight.
. Why don’t 2; I remember that one time when I was seven and the fair was in town. This was the first time I was tall enough to ride anything but the kitty rides. You and I had a fever and I was sick the whole weekend so I couldn’t go. The only day left was Monday during school and everybody went and you pulled me out of school and we rode everything and ate everything insight. We ate the world that day, we had so much fun that day. Why didn’t you love me?Why did you leave?I needed you Remember that time when our big sister kitty took us shopping it was her first paycheck and she said I’m going to spend it on my little sisters. We would do everything together. We went to all her rehearsels, plays. She came to everything we did. Man we did everything together.
Were you ashamed is that why you didn’t come back. Dad I had forgiven you could have come back anytime.
1; We were studying for an Algebra 2 and there was this one problem that Henry just couldn’t figure it out. So I went through the problem and finished it for him. The answer is seven I said to him. Well aren’t you a little genius he said. I’ve been working on this problem for twenty minutes and you solve it in twenty seconds. You make me feel like an idiot you know that. I’m sorry I said I was just trying to help. It’s not enough that you’re a year younger than me and we’re in the same math class but no you have just keep proving how fucking smart you are. I didn’t know what to say, how to react. So I said your just stressed I said it’s to soon maybe you should take a year off first before you go to school so you can handle it. He said I’m handling it just fine why do you think I’m not. Is it because I don’t come running to you to cry every damn day, telling you about my feeling and don’t express every damn emotion to you. Is that why you think I’m not handling it. I said relax I know what your going through. He looked at me and said you don’t have a fucking clue what I’m going through. You just want me take a year off so I can graduate with you. Your selfish you’ve always been selfish. I could have spent my dad’s last good weekend with him but no instead you had to throw a fucking hissy fit and make me spend it with you. I’m sorry I said I didn’t know I didn’t know. Save it he said save for someone who cares. Then he left. The last time we really talked.
2; You wrote although you never came to visit you wrote
3; A letter every week at first.

1; The relation was over but neither one of us could break it off I loved him to much and I knew that deep down inside he still loved me that one day he’d remember the good times we had
3;She would remember the good times we had.
2;He would remember the good times we had.
1; And one day he come back to me.
3;One day she’d come back to me.
2;And one day he’d come back.
1;.I remember I once asked my mom why didn’t you ever question anything daddy says or does and she responded “love will do that to you.” So with out any question, I waited.

1; I heard voices in the background I knew I heard voices. My mom said trust you must always have trust if anything, in a relationship. So I waited.
3;My dad was worth a lot of money when he died and some how it almost all of it managed to leave. I don’t know what my mom wasted it on. It was all gone so I got a job
2; I got a job because my mom wasn’t going to take my dads checks. We didn’t have enough to live off of. I loved playing soccer but I had to quit so I could a part time job to make the work load easier on my mom. So I got a part time job
1; I got a part time job to keep my mind off of him. How pathetic was it for me to think of all the time.
3; There was work and grades and getting into college. I felt like everything was crashing down on me and I just couldn’t handle it anymore. I couldn’t handle it anymore and mom just seemed to be getting worse and my sister I needed my twin sister, I needed her more than ever. We hadn’t really talked since Kitty left three years ago. She sent letters and post cards She started got into it with this guy he was bad news. He was in to all types of drugs. He

script in progress

with the help of amanda and JJ we are working on a script about british anouncers who are anouncing a dog show, but the announcers do not see eye to eye. We are going to need a girl and boy who has a british accent, so if anyone has one please let one of us know!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Live music

My Friends are willing to play for Tuesdays show, but i need to know how many songs you want them to perform, and if you want them to do background music for some skits.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Time to blog

Now it's time to do as Johnny has already done. Pop onto the blog and comment about last night's show. How did it go? What were the strong pieces? Which ones were more problematic?

What can we do to make the next show even better? What do you want to do on next week's show?

What about music and its use during the show? What about live music?


Here is a little piece I am posting for Seth. It could be a good one for next week.

Characters: (more will be added when their turn comes)

Frank – Gets all of the ladies despite his best efforts. Things always seem to go wrong for Frank, mistakenly breaking a glass or a ladies heart. His room is a mess and he tries to appease everyone all the time but lacks the drive to meet all of the opportunities he has wanted for himself. At the end of the day, he’s just a good kid.

D – Quiet and methodic. He often has all the ideas and answers but either doesn’t verbalize them. He loves Frank but is consistently pissed off by something or other he does. A virgin, he has all but given up on women despite the repeated attempts of everyone else.

S – Jovial and easy going, nothing fazes him. He is simultaneously occasionally self conscious and often relies on others for help. He is often the instigator but at the same time he is often the one who moves to get things done, to help right wrongs and to make people feel better.

Narrator: Lights come up on the room. Sitting on the fouton are two kids playing video games with spirit. They are moving with the controllers, swaying Mario with their own bodies. Rock music plays lightly from the speakers while Frank is curled up on the top bunk, snoring loudly but looking comftorable, his blankets wrapped tightly around his scrawny body. S and D are watching the festivities and appear somewhat bored. Pictures of women in bikinis adorn the room which is a mess, laundry and pizza boxes are strewn across the room.

S: I am so sick of this game.

D: I love this game.

S: Now I’ve already warned you, but im telling you again so I don’t feel bad when I make you cry. If this horrendous game is
seen in my apartment I will smash it into little pieces and eat them.

D: Sure you will

S: Try me. Want to go smoke a butt?

D: (Slight pause to assess the situation) I thought you’d never ask. Its not my turn for a while anyways.

S: Good then
(The boys walk to the porch and slide over to the side to allow the next person entry onto the small porch)
D: Don’t lock us out again, you know that we don’t have a doorknob on the outside.
S: You really need to fix that, it’s not so hard. Stop being lazy.
D: You stop being lazy…got a light?
S: Ya, here you go. (They both light up and enjoy their first drag, Beat) I don’t know David, you knew me when I was a freshman. I was Johnny College! Everyone knew me, I was always around, I saw hundreds of people a day and never lived in my room. I was a transient or something like that…a vagabond…My life was everyone else’s, I was a little piece of everyone’s college story. But now…don’t get me wrong…I’m just as happy, if not happier than I ever was, but its…just different. I hang out with the same four people every day, you, frank, Mikey and Scarlet. That’s my life, a revolving circle of four people.
D: “I see what your saying, but really it isn’t like that. That’s what happens to everybody. Look at our parents, that’s the way that they evolved. They only have a few friends now.
S: My folks don’t even like their friends! I’m 20 and still in college! I don’t want to turn into…”
D: Your not! You are just getting a little older. Maybe you have little friend meters with all of your friends. You stick with the ones who you really care about and the ones that you aren’t so passionate about, acquaintances, they come and go. They aren’t really that important to you. It’s like Darwin.
S: Natural selection of the most caring and decent. Weed out the playboys and the morons. Just employ he kids you can tell your deepest darkest secrets too.
D: Let’s hope so.
S: We should have a contest of everyone we know, there should be a trivia contest, tests of physical strength and we should attach monitors to their bodies or something. Test the friendship.
D: (Sarcastically) Yes, perfect, just a few tweaks and its…stupid…Hey, give me a drag of your clove, I haven’t tried the vanilla ones yet. .
(S passes D the butt)
S: Don’t get it all disgusting, I know that you like to slobber all over your cigarettes.
D: YOU DO THAT! (Laughter)
S: I guess you’re right. The people I spend the most time with are the people that I am most adamant about. The rest are just extras in my play.
D: They might be extras, but they do make it interesting. (With gusto) All of the world is our stage…(Beat)What if we didn’t know Carl?
S: We’d miss out on a lot of sleaze
D: And attempted rape…
S: That fucking kid…one the bright side, he makes guys like us look a lot better
D: Good call.
S: I’ll rape them with kindness. (Beat) why is it d that we always have these good talks on the porch smoking butts.
D: I don’t know, I guess that’s just the way. (Long Beat) You know, when I used to get wasted, I would love nothing more than to think and discuss. It’s a perfect time to discuss and reflect.
S: Me too. No one ever bothers to chat anymore. (Sarcastically) I blame the schools….and video games. They are like crack for stoners. (Beat) We should go DO something.
D: (Almost enthused) We could…no…too hot for physical activity…There aren’t any good movies out, and I’m not in the mood for video games…plus, those kids are probally still inside.
S: Kick them out.
D: Nah, I think they brought a handle of Vodka to keep up here.
S: Well then, they can stay.
D: (Still thinking) I’m not hungry and I don’t have any money anyways.
S: Well then, I guess all we have then is each other.
D: Gay (laughter) (Finding fodder) Wait a minute, aren’t you a Madden addict?
S: buying that game was the worst thing that ever happened to my sex life and sleep schedule!!! I’ll wake up at six in the morning to play that god-damn game and I have caught myself NOT looking at Scarlet when she changes!
D: You have a problem my friend….
S: Tell me about it.
D: I’m going to do you a favor and break that game.
S: I will break your face.
D: Haha.
(Beat, awkwardly S pats D on the shoulder)
S: Good talk D
D: Why do you always say that? Get some new material.
S: I was being serious!...but ya, I probally should work on it…Good talk D
(The boys head inside and to their computers. D checks for any breaking news…its his hobby. S wanders around, touching things and organizing some pizza boxes)
S: (To the kids on the couch) Do you kids want to clean some of this shit up? I know I don’t live here but I spend all of my time here.
(Everyone playing the video games mumbles and makes some half hearted promise)
S: D, want to have another one? Its SOMETHING to do that’s not getting mad at the idiots in here staring at that damn box.
D: Ya, give me a second…did you know that scientists in Alaska have proven that animals actually think like little people?
S: You know, I didn’t, but thanks for the update.
D: I try.
(Back to the porch again)
S: I’ll trade you a clove for a MAlboro Light.
D: Deal.
S: Would you look at that sunset? I can not believe that after a day of horrific rain and lightning that there can be a sunset so beautiful. It’s like a reward for a cruddy day.
D: Every night that’s what I see. And every morning…well not really every morning…well not really any morning, I never really have gotten up that early.
S: I get it.
D: What I’m trying to say is that no one really notices it. No one really pays attention to the sunsets or anything else for that matter.
S: Everyone’s heads are looking at their shoes…or their cell phones
D: I can see so much from up here. Yesterday, there was a snake just chilling on the top of the shrub. Anyone who saw it walking by would have freaked out but he was just hanging out, basking in the sunlight, probably waiting for a snack.
S: Or a campus cat. You love snakes D. you are probably the only person I know that would like to play with that snake.
D: What? Snakes are awesome. I would have run down the stairs to grab that snake…if only I wanted to walk all the way down those stairs. But that’s not the point.
S: Well get to it.
D: There is so much going on down there, there is a beautiful rose garden that everyone walks by. Flocks of birds fly around here and attack each other. Even the squirrels are cute. Some people see a picture or an expansive lightning storm or a beautiful sunset and it fulfills them and makes them happy. Why don’t they just look up from their IPods and smile. There is a lot to look at.
S: (Yelling down to no one walking by) You’re all sheep!! Products of the technical generation!
D: You may think its all fun and games…
S: No, I get it, you’re right. Sometimes we take this all for granted. Every night’s a free show if you know where to set your gaze.
D: It’s a good time.
S: Last 4 years to look up and smell the roses.
D: No its not, you’re too caught up on this college thing, its just another phase. Beauty doesn’t end here, you have the rest of your life if you know where to look.
S: Touché D. That being said, the way you talk about snakes…I think you might want to sleep with one.
D: No!
S: Come on D, all you fantasize about is retractable fangs and you go on and on about their ability to eat massive objects…and they never call and you all you need is a turban and a recorder to lure them. It’s your dream D, oral pleasure without striking out all the time.
D: Touché S.
S: One day D, one day. I’ll get you laid, but if I don’t…ill get you a cute python or is an anaconda more up your alley?
D: Shut it.
S: Whose inside? Did Frank go to class?
D: (checking his watch) Let’s hope so, it started 5 minutes ago. Those kids are probally still playing the Xbox, don’t they ever have class?
S: Bet you a punch in the face he’s sleeping.
D: I will not take that bet, I GUARENTEE that that moron slept through class yet again.
(The enter the room to find Frank snoring loudly, his alarm beeping quietly)
S: Let’s just wake him up with a punch in the face
D: haha, or we could have some fun with him…
S: why don’t we grab that god-forsaken air horn he has and get him moving…
D: (chuckling) well, he does have to be at class…
S: (Towards the couch) Hey kids shut up for a second, your about to laugh your ass off. (While rummaging through Franks things) What is this? Gross!! That banana must be a week old! You’ve got to get this kid to clean…
D: Believe me, I try.
S: You should try harder. This is room is so dope, you don’t even know how many ladies you would get is this place were clean. Add some mood lighting, some Barry White…
D: One day…
S: (Franks desk is strewn with papers, odds and ends and occasionally has ants that crawl around, apparently they have laid claim to a new home) Sweet Caroline! There is no much nothing in this drawer…he never will use all of these highlighters, I’m pocketing a few…ahh, here we go, under the condoms…get ready for this Franky!
(The camp time wake-up song Revilere is played on air horn. As the first few bars play out, Frank flies out of bed screaming in horror)
Frank: …rabble rabble…What the hell is going on? You son of a bitch…
S: At least I’m not late for class jack ass!!!
Frank: No I’m not (glancing at the clock) WHAT!?! I set my alarm clock!
D: Next time try turning the volume up, or snoring quieter
Frank: I don’t snore
S: No, you sound like a buzz saw. It’s a miracle how any girl ever sleeps over your room with a drum solo in your nostrils.
D: Or can stand the stench of a rotten banana on your desk drawer…you are filthy.
Frank: Hey kids…shut it. I’m tired and I just got woken up by my OWN air horn and insulted.
Both of you sit down and chill out because I need to get my books and get the hell to class.
S: Have a good sprint my friend
Frank: (while stuffing books and notebooks into his bag) oh I will…I will…does anyone have a pen? (Beat) thought not.
D: Have fun in class sweetie, we’re going to play some Frisbee.
Frank: grrrrr

S: Hey, look at that cat…(sappy sweet) hey little kikky cat, you little cute kitty, want to come to my apartment and play in my room and make me a little sneezy weezy boy.
D: That car just missed him.
S: Those stupid kids and their hippy-hop. What are those collar popping white kids trying to prove with their bass speakers. Congratulations, your car is loud, I’m impressed, now try a little suavity next time instead, you’ll attract more women.
D: (Hopeful) You think that the bass speakers really work for those guys?
S: I think that that kitty would be perfect for my apartment. He’s free, cute and right there…I don’t even have to stop at Petco. I wouldn’t even tell the people at my apartment complex and hope to avoid the fee.
D: I bet he has rabies…or is probably crazy…I wouldn’t take a campus cat.
S: But then I could just do it impulsively…I was sent by God to save that kitty mom, it was in the best interest of the cat.
D: She’ll still kill you, and your house will smell like cat piss all the time, you’ll never clean the litter box.
S: Yes I will
D: No, no you wont…hey, that cats walking towards Frank’s car, is he…did he…no way!
S: What?
D: The cat just sprays on Franks can! All over the tire.
S: (Opening the door) Hey Frank! A cat just pissed all over your tire?
Frank: (lumbering towards the door) are you kidding? Where is it? I’ll kill that monster.
S: You know what would make me respect you forever Frank? If you caught that cat, bit his head off and fastened it to your hood, warning all the cats to back off.
Frank: Um, no, but I will get that son of a bitch…Hey, you, kids on the couch, if you find that cat for me, there is a bounty on its head. You will be handsomely rewarded.

Thoughts on the show of september 5

It went a little rough in the beginning when we were not on "air" because of technical difficulties. The golf skit was well written but nobody, including me, was very enthused or energetic making the skit very dull. To start off a show we need to be energetic and exciting to keep our listeners wanting more! I thought the scripts were great especially Carolina's detective one. The music gives a great touch to it. JJ is perfect for the part and nailed it! We should add some more music to the background of the scripts. We definantly need to get some digital sound effects. The "POP POP POP" sound for a gun just isn't cutting it. Practicing thirty minutes before the show is not enough to get a feel for the character being played. Everyone involved in the script needs to get together and practice, so the tone of the character is fit for the part, and no one will stumble on their words. I am going to try and get some buddies in for some live music next week. They both play the acustic guitar, and play it well. Maybe Nate can collaborate with them?! Overall it was a crankey good show!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

R Drive Advice

I don't exactly know the issues concerning the R drive, but here is what should happen so you can access the R drive.

1. Sign into Novell (you can do this in one of the labs or if you have registered your computer you should have Novell on your computer)

2. Go to My Computer

3. Click on the R:drive item in your menu of drives

4. Once you open the R: drive you will see all kinds of folders that folks have created. Scroll down to Darkness Visible Radio.

5. Open the file

6. Open the correct dated file for the show

7. And then save your script to the Final Script folder



Hello all:

Final scripts need to be posted in the R: drive Darkness Visible Folder in Word document format. We don't want to print out the scripts from the blog because of the way it prints out, which can be difficult to read.

So make sure all your scripts are there for everyone to get.

See you tonight.

Monday, September 04, 2006

I love this video

On the left hand side.

Late note for Sarah on her script from Friday

sorry I didn't get to this earlier with some feedback--which is more directed toward performance at this late datesome things to think about--monologue is difficult, as you know, having done it at the talent show, but at least on stage you have your hands, your body, your face to help convey what you are trying to say--on the radio you have your voice and you have a long monologue to start the whole thing off. You really need to make sure that you nail it and keep the audience interested in the character. How will you do this? Via voice, obviously, but how else? What it work to have some kind of music playing underneath the monologue? Do you have something that would work for you and the monologue? Give it the right sense of mood?In addition, like with Payback there is a great deal of give and take and exchange between the two characters. You need to make sure that your actors have gone over the piece a great deal before Tuesday so they are on top of the game and their lines.Finally, like with JJ in the detective piece the piece you have written is going to rely on the female doing it. A lot of pressure to really bring her to life. So keep the focus and attention and energy up while performing her.I think it can work quite well.

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